June Monthly Message by DG Valentin Stoyanov
Дата: 01.06.2014

I let go of the conductor‘s baton in peace with myself because our concert continues and the wonderful orchestra, Rotary District 2482, Bulgaria, enchants with its magnificent performance and its message that Rotary changes Life for the better!
Thank you, my friends!

Dear Rotarian friends!
In the beginning of my, of our, Rotarian year I assured you that I will try, together with you, to complete a balanced orchestra in which everyone would find their place and feel useful. An orchestra in which the different groups would play so that in the end a wonderful, enchanting melody would sound which would cause the audience to feel not only sincere admiration, but also a desire for them to join us one day. I don‘t know if during our numerous rehearsals (my visits to your club, the conversations and discussions about the training seminars which were organized during the year, the meetings with RAC and IAC) I have managed to reveal to you well enough my reading of the score. But now, at the end of my term as a Governor, I can admit to you that you are the best and most consistent musicians with whom I have worked. Your irradiance, mood and devotion to the Rotarian idea, have made everything which we take up, turn into wonderful music. The group of the young, whose accompanists lead by Kapka Voinska and group leaders Aleks Angelov and Nikola Fuchedzhiev played very confidently and somehow naturally they joined the big, good sounding orchestra. Probably sometimes false notes were heard here and there, but everyone else, with delicate, measured improvisations, without spoiling the rhythm and melody, managed to continue in the correct key. And all of this is far from being (solely) the conductor‘s merit. A lot of Rotarian friends make their contribution now, at the end of the year at our annual concert (our annual conference) so that the most pleasant music we have ever heard could sound. Starting with the friends from my club in Stara Zagora and my family, the entire District team, the Presidents and Secretaries of the clubs and finishing off with my worthy predecessors PDG. To all of you – a deep bow!
Now I feel happy and a little sad at the same time. Because the conductor‘s baton, which according to your integral will was in my hands for one year, I will very soon pass on the next conductor! Yes, his dream is to be a captain of a big ship, the course of which needs to be constantly corrected, but he will come to his own conclusion that even for the greatest captain, it is much easier when the ship‘s orchestra plays in the turbulent waters of the ocean.
I let go of the conductor‘s baton in peace with myself because our concert continues and the wonderful orchestra, Rotary District 2482, Bulgaria, enchants with its magnificent performance and its message that Rotary changes Life for the better!
Thank you, my friends!
Yours in Rotary,
Valentin Stoyanov, DG 2013/14